(June to October)
Day To Mode Time Height Stay (hours) (meters)
01 Fly to Pakistan Flight Hotel
02 – Besham AC Van 10/12 1,050 Motel
03 – Passu AC Van 6/7 2,515 Lodge
04 – Shimshal village Trek 7/8 3,300 Camp 2
05 = Shimshal village Trek 5/6 3,650 Camp 3
06 – Zardgurdbin Trek 5/6 Camp 4
07 – Shapodin Trek 2/3 4,150 Camp 5
08 – Mandikshalkh Trek 4/5 4,500 Camp 6
09 – Werbin Trek 4/5 4,660 Camp 7
10-16 Chafchingol Base Trek 5/6 4,700 Camp 13
17 across Chafchingol Pass Trek 7/8 5,151 Hotel
18 Hunza Rest 2,250 Hotel
19 – Besham AC Van 12 1,050 Motel
20 – Islamabad AC Van 5/6 670 Hotel
Set up camp, and explore the surrounding area. Take a leisurely stroll around the campground and get familiar with the facilities and amenities available. After setting up camp, take a short hike on one of the nearby trails to get a sense of the local flora and fauna. As the day comes to a close, enjoy a campfire meal and get a good night’s rest in preparation for the days ahead.